March 11, 2016

DIY Facials and Toners for Oily Skin

Do you have oily skin? You know you have oily skin if you tend to get oily in particular places at certain times of the day and if you have very visible open pores along your forehead, nose and chin. Oily skin contains excess amounts of sebum, which helps prevent dehydration, but the oil also tends to attract more dirt and dust than dry or normal skin. To combat the extra dirt and dust, oily skin needs to be cleansed more often without over-stripping the skin. 

photo credit: Zenspa1 via photopin cc

Facial Masks

Apples and Honey Facial

This mask combines the benefits of apples and honey, which both do tons of great things for the skin. Both are very antioxidant-rich, which help relieve sun damage and protect your skin from free radicals. Apples also contain glycolic acid to help exfoliate and clear pores, and honey is antibacterial and hygroscopic, so it will help clear out bacteria and retain moisture.

Peel and chop one apple into small pieces and throw the pieces into a blender or food processor along with 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your face with your fingers and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Pat dry with a towel and follow up with toner and moisturizer.

Egg White Mask

Egg whites are awesome for oily skin- they help to tighten the skin and shrink pores (as I mentioned in my DIY eye mask post here) , leaving the skin firm and glowing. 

Lightly whisk one egg white in a bowl. Rinse your clean skin with a splash of warm water to open the pores, and lightly towel dry. Using your fingers, apply the egg whites to your skin using upward strokes. Leave the mask on your skin for about 15 minutes, until the egg whites dry and harden. Rinse with warm water and follow up with a replenishing moisturizer. 

Yogurt and Oatmeal Mask

The yogurt and oatmeal face mask is actually great for all skin types as it is an effective cleanser and scrub but is also soothing. Oatmeal helps absorb and remove skin impurities while gently exfoliating to leave skin soft and glowing. Yogurt is great for cleansing and disinfecting your pores to prevent acne and revitalize the skin. 

Mix together 1 tablespoon of plain, non-flavored yogurt, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and a couple drops of honey in a small bowl. Apply the mask to freshly cleansed skin and leave on for about 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. 

Green Tea and Clay Facial

This mask combines 4 powerful ingredients with different benefits to create a mask that is moisturizing and softening and also improves elasticity, absorbs oil and helps treat acne. This mask is also very gentle and can be used up to 3-4 times a week.
The ingredients for this mask are 2 teaspoons of green tea, 2 teaspoons of clay, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Mix the ingredients until they form a smooth paste. Smooth it onto your face, leave on for about 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. 

Strawberry Sour Cream Mask

Strawberries are a natural source of salicylic acid and are found in many over-the-counter acne products. Sour cream and yogurt are cleansing and soothing as well, making this mask great especially great for oily, acne-prone skin.
Combine 1/4 cup strawberries with 1/4 cup sour cream or plain yogurt in a blender and mix until thoroughly blended. Apply to freshly cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. 

Smoothing Facial with Banana and Honey

This mask is nourishing, hydrating and exfoliating, but is beneficial to oily skin because of the antibacterial properties of the honey.
In a small bowl, mash together several banana slices and a teaspoon of honey with a couple drops of lemon juice until you have a smooth paste. Apply the mask to your face and leave on for about 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and lightly pat dry.


Toners are meant to be used after cleansing and before serums and moisturizers. The right toner should be tailored to your skin type in order to give your skin what it needs to look younger, fresher and smoother. I have two great DIY toner recipes below that would be perfect for oily, acne-prone skin. 

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Apple cider vinegar is antiseptic and antibacterial, and balances the natural pH levels of the skin, helps clear the skin of excess dirt and make-up, while providing a gentle exfoliation to slough off dead skin and keep your pores open (in order to absorb moisturizers and serums better). It can also help lighten sun spots, age spots and acne scars if used daily. 
Simply mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 1 part water, and store in a plastic or glass container so that you can apply it with a cotton ball or cotton round. You could also use a spray bottle and mist it over your skin throughout the day. Use the toner after cleanser and before moisturizer.

Lemon Juice Toner

Lemon juice helps restore the pH balance of the skin, restoring it to it's natural balance of acidity and basicity. It also helps absorb oil and tighten the pores on your skin. Using lemon juice in the form of a toner every day can help noticeably improve scarring, lighten dark spots and firm the skin. 
Using the same method as with the apple cider vinegar toner, mix 3 parts lemon juice to 1 part water. Apply with cotton balls or cotton rounds or use a spray bottle  to mist over your face. 

More DIY Beauty Ideas!